Monday, January 28, 2008

It is up to you!

In a small village, lived a saint who was worshipped by all.

People used to go to him with their problems and he always had a solution for their troubles.

Everyone believed that the man could look into the future and predict it for them.

Now in the same village, there were 2 boys who were very jealous of the Saint’s popularity.

Now to prove him wrong, they challenged the saint. They claimed that in front of the whole village, they would prove that the man was an imposter and knew nothing about the future.

They hid a small bird in their hand and asked the saint to guess what they were holding.

The saint said “It’s indeed a pleasant sight to see a bird in human’s hand” The boys were surprised that he could guess it right. Now in front of the whole village, their reputation was at stake so they asked the saint again to guess if the bird was dead or alive. Their plan was to kill the bird in their palm if the saint said it was alive, and to let it fly off if the saint said its dead. This way they could prove that the saint was lying.

To this the saint said “The answer is in your hands.. if you wish, you can let the birds live and if you want, you can kill them”


Anonymous said...

I must tell you that you are a good story teller.

Anonymous said...

I must tell you that you are a good story teller.