Sunday, September 20, 2009


LOOK HOW HARD I'VE TRIED-It is a game described by Eric Berne In his book "Games people play". I have decided to write about this particular game in my blog as I feel that lot of people in their life played this game.

So the question is what exactly the game is all about? This is what Eric Berne says about the game:

In its common clinical form this is a three-handed game played by a married couple with a psychiatrist. The husband (usually) is bucking for a divorce, despite loud protestations to the contrary, while the spouse is more sincere in wanting to continue the marriage. He comes to the therapist under protest and talks just enough to demonstrate to the wife that he is cooperating; usually he plays a mild game of "Psychiatry" or "Courtroom." As time passes he exhibits either increasingly resentful pseudo-compliance or belligerent argumentativeness toward the therapist. At home he initially shows more "understanding" and restraint, and finally behaves worse than ever. After one, five or ten visits, depending on the skill of the therapist, he refuses to come any longer and goes hunting or fishing instead. The wife is then forced into filing for divorce. The husband is now blameless, since his wife has taken the initiative and he has demonstrated his good faith by going to the therapist. He is in a good position to say to any attorney, judge, friend or relative, "Look how hard I've tried!"

Now the question is how often you play this game? Let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting example. Explains well.