Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Dear readers. I found an excellent article about recruitment and selection in the internet.I would like to reproduce that article.I think each and every HRManager must read this article. As I do not know the person who has written it, I am unable to give credit to him/her. HAPPY READING.

Two persons were traveling in a car in Rajasthan, they found one boy shooting a bird with his arrow, and these two persons knew that the bird was Asia’s fastest bird and immediately the boy and his parents were contacted and he was admitted into a sports school, those two people were officers of Sports Authority of India (SAI) and that boy was Limba Ram, who brought several medals to India in Asian games and common wealth games.

A boy used to borrow money from his widow mother to buy candies and toffees every evening, this was observed by some toughies round the corner and one day they beat him up and took his pocket money, he came home sobbing and mother gave him more money to get his candies, the boy came weeping the next day also, now the mother took it serious and asked him not to keep quiet and take revenge the boy went back and kicked the tough guy and he fell unconscious, this was observed by a boxing coach and the boy is none other than Mike Tyson.

In my several interactions with recruiters and HR managers, I found most of the times the HR managers and recruiters behave very mechanically without trying to identify the skills and strengths of the candidates, I think that if we try to see the strengths of individuals then we can really find many employable candidates

I go to vegetable market with a list of vegetables and quantities to be purchased , in the market I do not look for better price or variety, and I buy things that are in the list only and most of the recruiters are functioning in this same manner (pardon me for being harsh) Let us behave like selection boards and not like rejection boards.

To assess the progressive performance of students we have a progress report, and this progress report is used as a bench mark to take a decision either to promote to next class or to detain in the same class. We HR Managers seem not to have any such tool, and there by we are not able to assess candidates potential. Let us observe a common interview question and answer pattern for experienced people, and then come back to the topic.

Q)What is your present role? R) I am in recruiting / sales / taxation/ Q C/ Production etc. Q) What is your present designation? R) ManagerQ) Will you join as a Sr. Manager? (Obviously in the same line of activity candidate is presently engaged in)R) Yes / No. – (Candidate may seek another designation)Q) What is your CTC?R) Rs. XYZ.Q) How much hike are you looking at?The outcome will be either candidate is selected or rejected – if he is selected I am sure is not going to stay for long, and after his honey-moon period will again keep himself busy with one of the job portals.

All of us need change, this man who has been doing recruiting / sales / taxation/ Q C/ Production etc, for quiet some period now has graduated to move to different verticals in the same functional area such as (core HR/ Marketing/ advertising/ accounts/Q A / ISO certification/ lean manufacturing/ TQM/ Six-sigma etc. respectively, but this was not identified by the HR Manager, Imagine a seventh standard student getting a decent 75% is put again in seventh class - but this time as a class leader. This is what happening in most of the companies / selection process. Common practice in schools is if a student gets less than 40%, is asked to repeat his present class and if he gets more than 40%, is promoted , are we doing this fundamental check of assessing his present level of capability?

Given a set of coloured stones a common man cannot identify which is a precious one and which is not – we need a gemologist for that, - gemologist has a third eye to see the potential, inner strength and quality of the particular stone. Given a few pieces of wood a common man cannot identify which is a teak wood piece - again we need a man with third eye – a carpenter – to identify the teak wood piece by its quality, strength etc. To say that some thing is bad we do not need managers, (to say a patient is ill – we do not need doctors, we need them to diagnose the cause) similarly we need managers especially HR managers to identify the latent talent not visible by two eyes – we need to open our “third eye” – to identify the strengths of the job seekers.